

Here is my background

I am a passionate and results-driven Software Engineer with a strong background in full-stack development, specializing in JavaScript and React technologies. Over the years, I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects that have honed my skills in creating responsive web applications and user-friendly interfaces. As a co-founder and software engineer at Mapletech Analytics, I've been instrumental in driving innovation in the agriculture sector through AI and robotics. My goal is to leverage technology to increase agricultural productivity, reduce resource usage, and positively impact the lives of farmers. Throughout my career, I've consistently focused on improving user experiences, optimizing performance, and fostering collaboration within development teams. I thrive on staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies to deliver cutting-edge solutions. I'm excited about the endless possibilities that technology offers and am committed to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. If you're looking for a dedicated and innovative software engineer to join your team or collaborate on exciting projects, let's connect!


Data Labs, Tapestry Inc.

Full-Stack Software Developer

Wed Jul 01 2020 - Fri Jan 28 2022

  • Data-Driven Insights: Collaborated with project stakeholders to identify business needs, leading to a 20% increase in revenue through data-driven insights.
  • High-Quality Code: Wrote readable, well-tested, and well-documented code for both the client and server.
  • Performance Optimization: Proactively monitored and optimized application performance.
  • User-Centric Development: Designed and developed highly responsive and user-friendly interface components.


Software Engineer

Mon Jan 07 2019 - Thu Oct 31 2019

  • User-Centric Development: Designed and developed highly responsive and user-friendly interface components using ReactJS.
  • High-Quality Code: Wrote readable, well-tested, and well-documented code for both the client and server.
  • Performance Optimization: Proactively monitored and optimized application performance.
  • Effective Version Control: Managed the version control process using GitHub.


Software Engineer

Mon May 07 2018 - Thu Oct 31 2019

  • User-Centric Development: Designed and developed highly responsive and user-friendly interface components using React-Redux.
  • Performance Optimization: Proactively monitored and optimized application performance.
  • High-Quality Code: Wrote readable, well-tested, and well-documented code for both the client and server,.
  • Effective Version Control: Managed the version control process using GitHub.

The CNC Group

Full Stack Software Engineer

Mon Jan 13 2020 - Present

  • User-Centric Development: Designed and developed highly responsive and user-friendly interface components using React-Redux, resulting in a 25% reduction in page load time and a 60% increase in user engagement.
  • Efficient Project Management: Effectively managed tasks and team productivity using Jira, leading to a 25% increase in team productivity and a 20% improvement in task completion rate.
  • UI/UX Improvement: Led meetings with the dev team to discuss interface ideas, resulting in a 35% increase in user satisfaction and a 20% decrease in user complaints.
  • Effective Version Control: Managed the version control process using GitHub, reducing code conflicts by 30%, improving code quality by 20%, and decreasing release turnaround time by 15%.
  • Performance Optimization: Proactively monitored and optimized application performance, resulting in a 35% improvement in response time, a 20% reduction in error rates, and a 15% increase in system uptime.

MapleTech Analytics

Full Stack Developer

Mon Jan 04 2021 - Present

  • Strategic Vision: As a Founder, you strategically planned the workflow and envisioned the company's future in revolutionizing agriculture in Kenya through the use of AI and robotics.
  • Impactful Goals: Set ambitious goals to increase agricultural productivity by 30%, reduce resource usage by 25%, achieve cost savings of 20%, and positively impact the lives of 10,000 farmers within the first two years.
  • Tech Expertise: Developed a responsive website and user app using ReactJS and React Native to increase daily active users by 40% and decrease app load times by 25%.
  • Effectively managed the version control process of the company using GitHub.
  • Proactively monitored and optimized application performance
  • UI/UX Improvement: Led meetings with the dev team to discuss interface ideas.


Front-End Software Developer

Wed Jan 01 2020 - Fri Jul 31 2020

  • Improved User Engagement: Led the creation of front-end designs, resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement, a 15% improvement in conversion rates, and a 10% decrease in bounce rates.
  • High-Quality Code: Wrote readable, well-tested, and well-documented code for both the client and server.
  • Designed and developed highly responsive and user-friendly interface components .
  • Performance Optimization: Proactively monitored and optimized application performance.


Hover over a skill for current proficiency






















Case study 1 of 5: E-commerce Admin -

The Next.js 13 App Router is a powerful tool that enables you to create complex client-side routing in your Next.js applications easily. I used the Next.js 13 App Router to build a fully functional E-Commerce with an Admin Dashboard, ensuring seamless navigation and an exceptional user experience. The web development technologies include React, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, and NextAuth.

Case study 2 of 5: Learning Management System -

The Learning Management System (LMS) is a web-based platform designed to facilitate the delivery, management, and tracking of educational courses and materials. Developed using Next.js, a popular React framework for building server-side rendered applications, the LMS offers a smooth and efficient user experience. Next.js enables fast page loading, SEO optimization, and server-side rendering for improved performance. Tailwind CSS is used for styling the user interface of the LMS. Its utility-first approach allows for rapid development and easy customization, ensuring a visually appealing and responsive design across different devices and screen sizes.

Case study 3 of 5: E-commerce -

The Next.js 13 App Router is a powerful tool that enables you to create complex client-side routing in your Next.js applications easily. I used the Next.js 13 App Router to build a fully functional E-Commerce with an Admin Dashboard, ensuring seamless navigation and an exceptional user experience. The web development technologies include React, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, and NextAuth.

Case study 4 of 5: Portfolio 1.0 -

In my portfolio, I've successfully delivered a diverse range of projects that showcase my expertise in a wide array of technology stacks and frameworks. This project demonstrates my ability to build robust web and mobile applications, implement efficient APIs, and create engaging user experiences. The web development technologies include Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Vercel.

Case study 5 of 5: Portfolio 2.0 -

In my portfolio, I have successfully delivered a diverse range of projects that showcase my expertise in a wide array of technology stacks and frameworks. This project demonstrates my ability to build robust web and mobile applications, implement efficient APIs, and create engaging user experiences. Technologies used include Nextjs, TypeScript, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS, Sanity.io, and React.

Get in Touch

Ready to connect, Let's Talk!


Nairobi, Kenya
